Brigid was born at the time of major transition in 5th century in
Ireland. She embodies in herself the pre-Christian Celtic and Christian Celtic
spirit. It is generally accepted that St. Brigid built her double monastery for
men and women in Kildare around 470AD.
A woman of wisdom and common sense, Brigid's genius for leadership and organization
is widely recognized.
Brigid was one of the many Celtic saints who insisted that a vital
component of the spiritual life is having a soul friend (anam cara). Celtic
Spirituality has a profound sense of the presence of God in everyone and in everything.
IT is a spirituality nourished by ritual, tradition, contemplation, experience
and story.
Saint Brigid is one the few saints who stands on the boundary between
pagan mythology, Druidism and Christian spirituality. Saint Brigid is the most
famous female leader of the early Celtic Christian Church.
Brigid is remembered through the ages as a woman of the land.
Her feast day on the 1st of February marks the first day of Spring in
the noorthern hemisphere.
It is the season when we celebrate new life on earth.
It is believed that Saint Brigid's Cross protects the house from fire and evil.
"Saint Brigid's Blessing
May Brigid bless the house where in you dwell
Bless every fireside, every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you."